Sell Your Items
Are you looking to get rid of some designer clothing, leather goods or accessories? Or do you have some pieces that you don’t use and would like to cash out on?
Do not hesitate to contact and show us what you would like to sell.
Email : C.Nicolaysen@hotmail.con
Instagram: CnExclusives
In the message please provide us with the following information :
- Size of your item / product
- Describe the condition the item / product is in
- the price you are looking for
- if the item / product has tags, receipt or other essentials
If you can also include one or multiple pictures :)
when a offer is given to you, you will have 7 days to consider before you make up ur mind. If you choose to sell to us you we have a few steps before the sale is complete :
1 : Ship us you
2 : We reive your item / items and verify the condition you stated and that the product / product is authentic.
3 : You will get a message from us stating if everything is okay and we will ask you for your payment details. If unfortunately your item / items is not verified by us, we will have to ship the item / Item back to you at your cost.